UK EYPC Regulations

In Person Regulations:

  1. Clothing worn during the conference should be proper and modest:
  • No improper pictures, logos or symbols. No revealing tops or tops that expose the midriff or back. No low-cut jeans or trousers.
  • In the meetings it would be very good for sisters to wear a skirt or dress long enough to cover the knee when sitting and for brothers to wear a shirt with a collar.
  • During the afternoon activities please wear clothes which are modest – for example, it would be good for brothers and sisters to wear loose fitting trousers/tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt which covers the shoulders. No short shorts should be worn at any time.
  • Brothers are not permitted to wear earrings or studs, including while travelling to and from the conference.
  1. The use of phones and other electronic items is not permitted – they must be stored away out of sight and not used. If they are seen, the serving one must take them away. You should bring a physical Bible and hymnal for use in the meetings, and a camera for taking photos. Serving ones & helpers are requested to keep their phones on them through the course of the conference for emergency use only.
  1. A proper Brother/Sister relationship should be maintained during the entire conference. Brothers should not be in the areas of the sisters’ houses and sisters should not be in the areas of the brothers’ houses.
  1. Room assignments should not be changed without prior approval from your serving one and the conference administrators.
  1. Do not leave the conference area without permission.
  1. No criticism, complaining or bad language.

  2. Everyone must follow the conference schedule:
  • Be in your seat 5 minutes before the meeting starts – begin to open and exercise your spirit (sing, pray, pray-read, etc.)
  • Once the meeting begins, no one is allowed to leave until dismissed – i.e. no visits to the toilet during the meeting (remember to go beforehand!)
  • Bring Bible, hymnal, notebook, pen, and outline to every session – take notes!
  • Food and drink (except water) are not permitted in the meeting or during room times.
  1. Attendance at all sessions (including morning revival and room times) is mandatory. Everyone will be encouraged to participate during room times.
  1. You must return promptly to your rooms after the evening meeting.
  1. Lights out at the scheduled time! That means everyone should be quiet, with no one leaving his or her room except for emergencies

The serving ones are responsible for the young people both during the journey and at the conference. You must obey them and maintain a respectful attitude to them at all times. Disobedience, rebelliousness or rudeness to serving ones will NOT be tolerated.

We reserve the right to discipline anyone who does not obey the rules. In serious cases this may include sending that young person home. We expect any extra costs incurred by this action to be met by that person.


Online Regulations:

  1. Speech – Speak respectfully and appropriately with others as you would in normal circumstances.

  2. Clothing – Dress appropriately as you would for a meeting in person. What we wear affects our attitude. We encourage all the young people to dress with modesty that reflects our seeking the Lord and honours the other attendees. No pyjamas, lounge wear, or clothing that is low cut or uncovering.

  3. Call from a public place – As much as possible, move your laptop/phone out of your bedroom to the lounge/kitchen. If not possible, keep your bedroom door open.

  4. Field of View – Be aware of what is in view of your camera, including things on the wall and other people in the house.

  5. Parents – Let your parents or guardians know when you will be in a meeting, and ask them to be nearby or at least in the house.

  6. Do not distract or abuse others.

  7. No photos or videos – Do not take photos, screen captures, or videos of any young person or serving one, and do not post them online or send them to anyone.