Parents’ Fellowship

This page contains audio recordings as well as the accompanying outlines of fellowship with parents and other burdened saints concerning raising up the next generation for the church life given at the conference. To download mp3 and PDF files, right-click and select ‘Save target as’.

Parents’ Fellowship 2016

Parents’ Fellowship 2015 

Parents’ Fellowship 2014

These messages have been translated into GermanPolishRussian , Spanish, French, Italian and  Chinese . These recordings are available on the relevant language pages.

  • Msg 1 – The Importance of the Children’s Work in the Church (mp3) (PDF outline)
  • Msg 2 – Having the Increase of the Church also through the Children’s Work (mp3) (PDF outline)
  • Msg 3 – The Children’s Work Being to Build Children Up in their Humanity to Be Proper Human Beings (mp3) (PDF outline)
  • Msg 4 – Building Up a Prevailing Children’s Work in the Church (mp3) (PDF outline)

Parents’ Fellowship 2013

Session One  30/07/13

Parents’ Fellowship TG (1) / Społeczność z rodzicami TG (1) 30/07/13 (English/Polish mp3)

God’s Ordained Way is to Gain Households (English PDF outline)

Droga ustanowiona przez Boga polega na zdobywaniu domostw (Polish PDF outline)

Gottes verordneter Weg ist, Haushalte zu gewinnen (German PDF outline)

Session Two  01/08/13

Parents’ Fellowship TG (2) / Społeczność z rodzicami (2) TG 01/08/13 (English/Polish mp3)

The Person, Living and Responsibility of the Parents (English PDF outline)

Osoba, życie i odpowiedzialność rodziców (Polish PDF outline)

Die Person, der Lebenswandel und die Verantwortung der Eltern (German PDF outline)