eypc 2022

Checklist 2022

Dear young people and serving ones,

The European Young People’s Conference 2022 will begin this Lord’s day, July 31st

This year’s conference subject will be “The Secret of the Reigning Life of Joseph”. As a preparation for the conference, please carefully read this email and click on the points for detailed information:


If you are positive this week prior to the conference, you must have an official (not self-test) negative result before travelling. If you are positive you may not attend the conference.

Upon arrival, all saints will be asked to show proof of their negative test. A picture of their test result is good enough. Please do not bring your test with you.

If you are unable to show evidence of a negative test result, you will be rerouted to take a test.

Each house will be provided with self-test kits. Each registrant will need to check off their name from the list posted in their dining room that they have tested negative.

Anyone who develops any respiratory symptoms during the week must contact the medical team.

Respiratory symptoms are sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, temperature symptoms, lots of taste or smell, unexplained body aches and pains.

Any saints who become positive will be quarantined in designated accomodation until the end of the conference. After the conference they may return on their original transport arrangments with limited contact with others.

There is no legal requirement in Poland related to quarantine.

Read Each Point Carefully

Make sure you bring a valid passport or travel document. Please check your country’s specific requirements for entering Poland. Citizens of some countries may need a visa.

Since this is a massive event and in order to prevent a covid outreach, we are asking all attendees, serving ones and young people, to self-test before travelling to Male Ciche. Antigen tests are OK. If your test result is POSITIVE, please do not travel to Male Ciche.

Upon arrival, all saints will be asked to show proof of their negative test. A picture of their test result is good enough. Please do not bring your test with you.

If you are unable to show evidence of a negative test result, you will be rerouted to take a test.

This applies only to EU and CEE residents. If you are from outside the EU, please check with your local health authorities how can you get medical assistance in an EU country if needed. You may need a private medical insurance.

Young People may find the conference’s code of conduct, including the clothing guidelines. Click here to read the YP code of conduct (https://ypconference.eu/yp-code-of-conduct) Click here to read the Serving One’s code of conduct (https://ypconference.eu/soh-code-of-conduct)

Bring enough clothes for a week, you will not be able to wash your clothes. Bring adequate clothes and shoes for outdoor activities. Come ready for the rain!

The houses where we will be staying do not provide complimentary toiletries. Please bring your own, such as shower gel and shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, etc. You will not need bedsheets, but you will need to bring your own towel. It is also advisable to bring flip-flops for the shower.

If needed, make sure you bring enough medicine for the duration of the conference, such us any kind of prescribed pills, asthma inhalers, allergy medicine, etc. It will be hard to find an open pharmacy nearby.

There are no cash machines in the small town. Saints will have to exchange their money before attending the conference. There are places to change money at the airport, or it can be withdrawn from an airport cash machine. Approximately 100zl should be enough for the week. 

All meals are provided by our accommodation for the duration of the conference. If you arrive before or leave earlier, please ensure you have purchased addition meals at the moment of registering for the conference. If you have not, you may bring some simple food from home or buy some at the local shops.

Some shops allow card payment, but they will probably require a minimum purchase amount.

Phones are not allowed during the conference, please make sure that your parents have the phone number of your serving one in order to communicate with you. If you don’t know who your serving one is, please ask your country coordinator. Click here to see a list of country coordinators https://ypconference.eu/registration/coordinators/

Bring your own FM radio with earphones and enough batteries for the week if you need translation in any language that is not English or Polish (Please be aware! There won’t be side by side translation into Polish in the junior tent).

 Google “Male Ciche Weather” to see the latest weather info for the week. We should be expecting rain for the first days of the conference). Don’t forget your umbrella!